Will My Whippet Puppy Calm Down?

Whippet Pups: Will My Whippet Puppy Calm Down?

Whippet puppies bring light and energy into a home with their thin bodies and endless energy. Their lively nature is cute, but owners often wonder – will my whippet puppy calm down? Learning to manage a whippet puppy's energy is exciting yet challenging. Effective training and understanding their growth are key to turning their energy into elegance.

Raising a well-behaved dog means getting to know whippet puppy behaviour well. Each play and command teaches them to use their energy wisely. As you think about your whippet's future calmness, remember, it's about building that calm. This takes patience and insight.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the developmental stages of whippet puppy behaviour is critical to managing their lively spirit.
  • Effective whippet puppy training is not only about obedience but also about channelling their energy constructively.
  • Patience and consistency are pivotal in guiding a whippet puppy towards eventual calmness.
  • Knowing when to expect behavioural changes can help set realistic expectations for a whippet puppy's energy levels.
  • Creating environments conducive to relaxation plays a significant role in a whippet puppy’s journey to calmness.

Understanding Whippet Puppy Behaviour

Learning about whippet puppy behaviour is key to raising a happy pet. Knowing the whippet puppy development stages helps us predict and shape their behaviour. This is when we influence their personality and how well they learn and play.

Their early weeks are very important. They shape their future selves. They learn a lot from being with their brothers, sisters, and humans. This includes how to talk and act as dogs. As they grow, they show different levels of energy and curiosity. These can be channelled into fun and learning.

Managing whippet puppy energy means more than just physical play. They also need to think and solve problems. Activities like agility sports and games help their brains grow too. This keeps them happy and helps them learn good behaviour. It makes sure they grow up well-behaved and smart.

"Patience and consistent training during the puppy stages yield a composed and happy adult dog. It's about balance—matching their physical vigour with an equal measure of mental engagement."

  • Initial Weeks (0-7 Weeks): Introduction to the world, gaining sensory awareness, and beginning social interactions with littermates and humans.
  • Juvenile Stage (8 Weeks-6 Months): Rapid learning period, prime time for basic training, and socialisation to prevent future behavioural issues.
  • Adolescence (6 Months-18 Months): Period of heightened exploration and testing boundaries, can exhibit more pronounced behavioural traits and energy levels.

By giving the right support and activities early on, we help them become well-rounded adult whippets. They end up smart and graceful, just as their breed is known to be.

Will my whippet puppy Calm down?

New owners often wonder when their whippet puppy will start to settle down. This happens after seeing their puppy's high energy. Understanding how a whippet's behaviour changes over time is key.

Age-Linked Behavioural Changes

Watching your whippet grow shows that changes aren't just physical. Behaviour changes are important milestones too. At about 18 months, whippets tend to become calmer, more like adult dogs.

But each puppy is unique. Some may calm down earlier or later than others. Many owners see different times when their puppies reach these milestones, showing how varied puppy development can be.

Setting Realistic Expectations for Calmness

It's important to have realistic expectations about your puppy becoming calm. Thinking they will change overnight can make you feel frustrated. Understanding that this takes time helps build patience.

The path to having a calm whippet involves patience and positive steps. It's all about giving them time and experiencing life together. This builds a strong bond between you and your dog.

Whippet Puppy Energy Levels: A Vet’s Insight

Getting a whippet puppy means knowing their needs, especially their high energy. A vet can show how important daily play is. It affects their whippet puppy energy levels and mood.

Typical Energy Patterns in Young Whippets

Young whippets are full of life and love to play. It's key to watch their whippet puppy exercise needs. This helps shape their future health and behavior. Regular exercise that's right for their age is crucial.

Influence of Daily Exercise on Temperament

Exercise helps whippets both physically and mentally. The influence of daily exercise on temperament is huge. A whippet that gets plenty of play is usually happier and more relaxed. Keeping them active creates good habits and calmness.


Recommended Daily Exercise


Impact on Temperament

2-4 months

Short walks, playtime in a safe area

Tug toys, soft frisbees, interactive games

Stimulates mental development and satisfies curiosity, promotes restful sleep

4-6 months

20-30 mins walks, increase playtime

Chase games, introduction to dog parks

Develops social skills, reduces over-excitement, channels energy constructively

6-12 months

Incremental increase in exercise duration

Agility training, longer hikes

Helps manage growing energy levels, fosters an even temperament

12 months+

Continue increasing as tolerated

Continued agility, regular park visits, jogging with an owner

Ensures sustainability of calm behavior, strengthens bond with owner

The table shows that the right exercise for your whippet's age is crucial. It makes sure they grow up calm and happy. So, correctly planning your puppy's physical activity is key to their wellbeing.

Calming Techniques for Whippet Puppies

Whippet puppies need to learn how to relax, just as much as they need exercise. Despite their fast background, they can learn tranquillity. We will share vet-approved ways to calm your puppy. These include special exercises and creating a quiet home environment. These methods help your whippet puppy learn to be calm.

Implementing a 'Settle' Exercise

Teaching your whippet puppy to settle is a great calming trick. This teaches them that being calm is good. Have your pup lie down in their bed or a quiet spot. Use treats and soft praise to encourage this. Soon, they'll link the 'settle' command to feeling peaceful. This helps them be calm even when things are busy.

Creating a Calming Environment

A whippet puppy's environment affects their behaviour. A calm home is key for a peaceful puppy. Make sure their area isn't too noisy or busy. Use soft bedding and have a quiet spot just for them. Pheromone diffusers can also make the space more soothing. This helps your whippet puppy learn to relax.




'Settle' Exercise

Training your whippet to associate a specific command with lying down and relaxing.

Teaches self-control and provides a mechanism for calming down during stressful situations.

Aroma Therapy

Utilising canine appeasing pheromones to create a soothing atmosphere.

Reduces anxiety and stress, promoting a sense of well-being.

Calm Space

Establishing a designated area for your puppy to relax, free of noise and disturbance.

Offers a sanctuary for peace and decompression, key for mental health.

Soft Bedding

Providing comfortable and plush sleeping arrangements.

Encourages restorative sleep and relaxation, critical for a growing whippet.

Having a peaceful life with your whippet puppy is possible. Just be consistent with the calming techniques. From the 'settle' exercise to a quiet home, these strategies help. This doesn't just calm their energy. It guides it towards the elegance whippets are loved for.

Whippet Puppy Development Stages

It's vital to understand the whippet puppy development stages if you want a happy, well-adjusted dog. Whippet puppies go through different growth phases. Each phase brings physical and psychological changes. Recognising these stages is key. It helps owners give the right training and social experiences.

  • Neonatal Period (0-2 weeks): At this stage, puppies need their mother for warmth and food. They can't see or hear much, keeping them away from the outside world.
  • Transitional Period (2-4 weeks): Whippets begin to see and hear. They even start to stand. This is when they first interact with their siblings.
  • Socialisation Period (4-12 weeks): This stage is crucial. The puppy starts to understand more about the world. Early positive experiences with people and other animals are important for their social growth.
  • Juvenile Period (3-6 months): Puppies are now more independent and lively. They're also a bit more of a challenge. Consistent training and clear rules are important to guide their behaviour.
  • Adolescence (6-18 months): Sexual maturity begins. Whippet puppies might be more assertive. They need ongoing, patient training to keep good habits in place.
  • Transition to Adulthood (18-24 months): Whippets start to calm down as they mature. But, each puppy is different. Some may take longer to stop acting like puppies.

Owners must know that whippet puppy behavior reflects both their breed and the care they get. By supporting your whippet through these times with patience and consistency, you're helping them grow into a well-behaved adult.

Training Tips for Whippet Puppies

Training your whippet puppy requires lots of patience and consistent effort. By adopting certain training tips, you can manage their high energy and teach them to be calm and obedient. Here are some smart methods:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Use treats, praise, or play to reward good behaviour. This shows them that being calm is rewarding too.
  • Structured Training Sessions: Make training short and engaging. This keeps your puppy focused and both of you happy.
  • Consistent Commands: Always use the same words for commands. It helps your puppy learn faster and reduces confusion.
  • Exercise Routine: Keeping your whippet active helps them stay calm. Ensure they get plenty of physical and mental exercise.

An effective schedule helps manage a whippet puppy's hyperactivity. Below is a table with a daily routine that includes training and fun activities:

Time of Day


Training Tips




Start leash training and reward good behaviour with treats.

This activity helps manage their energy in the morning.


Quiet Time

Create a cosy space for relaxation.

This establishes a balance between playtime and rest.



Teach basic commands like 'sit', 'stay', 'come'.

Mental exercises are as tiring as physical ones.



Mix training with fun games to enhance obedience.

Makes training enjoyable and rewarding.


Settle for Bed

Introduce a 'bed' command for sleep time.

Helps your puppy settle down at night with ease.

Knowing the right training tips for whippet puppies helps you manage their energy. It also guides them to become well-mannered pets.

Handling Whippet Puppy Hyperactivity

Whippet puppies are lively and slim, but their hyperactivity can sometimes cause issues at home. It's important to handle their energy well. This means getting to know the breed and using training to keep them happy.

Behaviour Management Strategies

Behaviour management strategies are vital. First, having a regular routine makes puppies feel safe and less wild. Use their active times for fun learning games. If your pup gets too excited, switch their focus to a good activity. This could be a puzzle or agility training.

Using rewards for good behaviour is key. Praise, treats, or playtime make them want to behave. After play, teach them to relax. This shows that being calm is part of their day.

Using Consistent Training to Reduce Excitability

Consistent training doesn't just mean repeating commands. It means setting clear rules and being reliable. This helps your puppy trust and understand you. Mix training with exercises that suit the whippet's love of running. Agility training is great for their minds and bodies.

Together with training, meeting new people and dogs is helpful. It makes them less likely to get overly excited in new places. These tactics help manage your puppy's energy and help them grow into a balanced pet.

Whippet Puppy Settling Down: When to Expect Changes

New owners often wonder when their whippet puppy will start to calm down. The process varies for each puppy. Owner experiences and milestones help us understand their growth into calm adults.

Owner Experiences and Milestones

Owners notice changes as their puppies grow. Important stages include teething, the juvenile phase, and sexual maturity. These stages affect the puppy's behaviour and energy levels.

Age Range

Typical Milestones

Owner Experiences

2-4 Months

Socialisation, first vaccinations

Discovery of environment, increased playfulness

4-6 Months

Teething begins, possibility of completing house training

Chewing, biting, and other teething behaviours

6-12 Months

Reaches sexual maturity, growth spurts

Increase in energy, testing boundaries, may exhibit stubbornness

1-2 Years

Approaching full size, emotional maturity

Settling in behaviour, increased responsiveness to training

The Influence of Personality and Breed Traits

Like people, dogs have their own personalities. A whippet's personality affects how quickly it calms down. Also, their natural traits play a role. Whippets like to sprint and hunt because of their breed's traits. Despite being gentle and affectionate, their hunting nature can make them seem hyperactive. This usually lessens as they grow and learn self-control.

Understanding and patience with these breed-specific traits is crucial for any potential or current whippet owner.

Whippet Puppy Training: Socialisation Do's and Don'ts

Starting whippet puppy training is an exciting journey. It's full of ups and downs. Early on, socialisation is key for a happy and well-adjusted dog. It forms the base of your whippet puppy behavior, shaping how they see the world. Next, let's look at the socialisation tips to help your whippet become friendly and polite.

  1. Do: Start socialising your puppy early, between three to fourteen weeks old.
  2. Do: Let your puppy explore different places, surfaces, sounds, and situations.
  3. Do: Make sure they have positive meetings with people and animals.
  4. Do: Go to puppy classes focused on play and meeting others.
  5. Don't: Rush and introduce too many new things at once.
  6. Don't: Push your puppy into scary or uncomfortable situations.
  7. Don't: Miss out on early chances to teach them, habits form early.
  8. Don't: Forget to praise and reward them for being sociable.

Following these rules is essential for good whippet puppy behavior training. Whippets can be shy, so careful and patient socialisation is crucial. Let's now look at a helpful guide for this training stage.


Socialisation Tasks

Important Notes

3-7 weeks

Puppy interactions within the litter

Vital period for learning canine social cues

8-10 weeks

Introductions to friendly strangers and calm pets

Keep encounters short to prevent tiredness

11-14 weeks

Trying out different settings and noises

Keep them curious but not overwhelmed

15-17 weeks

Joining puppy classes

Pick classes that use positive training ways

Linking all pieces of socialisation advice, we see what makes a good-mannered whippet. By doing the right things and avoiding the wrong, your journey to a brave and friendly pal is on track.


Raising a whippet puppy to become a calm adult is both tough and fulfilling. It needs patience, structured guidance, and understanding their behaviour. Whippet puppies are lively and energetic. But with the right care, they'll grow up calm and collected.

To handle a whippet puppy, you need consistent training and a calm setting. Set achievable goals and understand their growth. Give them lots of exercise and mental activities. This helps them become calm and well-behaved dogs.

Whippet puppies are full of energy at first. But, with the right approach focusing on their needs, you can shape this energy. Nurturing them with patience and expert training strengthens your bond. It brings happiness and peace to you both.


Will my whippet puppy calm down?

Most whippet puppies start to become more settled around 18 months. But, each puppy is different. Patience is key as they learn and grow into calmer adults.

What factors contribute to a whippet puppy's behavior?

A whippet puppy's behavior changes with development stages. These stages affect their energy and temperament. Knowing them helps in understanding and meeting their needs.

How can I manage my whippet puppy's energy levels?

Keeping your whippet puppy active and mentally engaged is important. A good exercise plan helps maintain a calm temperament.

How can I teach my whippet puppy to calm down and settle?

Use calming techniques like the 'settle' exercise to encourage relaxation. A peaceful home environment also signals them it's time to relax. This helps them learn to be calm.

What are the stages of whippet puppy development?

Whippet puppies experience different growth stages, like socialization and adolescence. Understanding these stages helps you prepare for and manage various behaviors.

How can I effectively train my whippet puppy?

Good training is crucial for shaping a whippet puppy's behavior. We offer tips on basic commands and leash training. These build obedience and positive behavior foundations.

How should I handle whippet puppy hyperactivity?

Handle hyperactivity with strategies like redirection and positive reinforcement. Consistent training helps lessen excitement and fosters good habits.

When can I expect my whippet puppy to settle down?

Whippets calm down gradually, but the timing varies. Factors like their personality and breed traits affect it. Owner experiences also play a role.

What are the do's and don'ts of whippet puppy socialization?

Proper socialization is vital. We’ll share tips on safely introducing new places and positive dog and people interactions. This stage is crucial for their training.

How can I manage my whippet puppy's behavior?

Set clear expectations and provide the right exercise and mental challenges. Use effective training methods. This approach will guide your puppy towards better behavior.


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