country style dog collar and lead sets
country style dog collar and lead sets
country style dog collar and lead sets
country style dog collar and lead sets

Country Check Adjustable Quick Fasten Collars & Leads

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Country Check Adjustable Quick Fasten Collars & Leads

  • A popular 'adjustable' design with country-inspired fabrics
  • With a hardwearing nylon base, perfect for all weathers and swimming
  • Adjustable for a comfortable and secure fit
  • With snap-buckle fastening
  • Available in sizes small (20-30cm), medium (30-50cm), and large (45-70cm)
  • Maximum lead weight 50kg
  • Lead Length 1m x 19mm

Important: For comfort and security, check the fit of your dog's collar every day. You should be able to slip two fingers between the collar and your dog at all times. Please do not allow your dog to mouth this lead.

Please note: the collars and leads in this listing are SOLD SEPARATELY, they do not come as a set unless you add both the lead and collar to your basket. 

heritage range country style dog collars and leads